Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Just quickly before you run out the door.

Involuntary convulsions toward the desire.

Cloak the disbelievers and sit with me.

Drink some tea.

We are sailing.

Wisconsin Death Trip.

Photographs taken by Charles Van Schaick. A series taken from 1885 to 1910 documenting scenes within a small rural community.
Somber and morose. Titillatingly beautiful.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Feeling portraiture at the moment, I never really had appreciated contemporary portraiture till I paid attention (rather than sub consciously Art blocked as I often do due to the nature of full time art school immersion). Peter Stichburys smooth use of paint and play's on over exaggerated/under exaggerated facial features is something special. They speak to me of the fine line between our perceived beauty and reality. Painting really is a true communication of life's subtlety when executed with such grace as Stichbury.

This work by Andrew Barns-Graham really makes me gaaahh gaa looo crazy. Plum lips, Cascading blonde curls and independence shining through her eyes.